Showing posts with label Bouquet of All Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bouquet of All Nations. Show all posts

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bouquet of All Nations Perfume

Countries wherein the Odors are produced.

  • Turkey - 1/2 pint Esprit de rose triple
  • Africa - 1/2 pint Extract of jasmine
  • England - 1/4 pint Extract of lavender
  • France - 1/2 pint Extract of tuberose
  • South America - 1/4 pint Extract of vanilla
  • Timor - 1/4 pint Extract of sandalwood
  • Italy - 1 pint Extract of violet
  • Hindoostan - 1/4 pint Extract of patchouli
  • Ceylon - 1 drachm Otto of citronella
  • Sardinia - 1/4 oz Otto of lemons
  • Tonquin - 1/4 pint Extract of musk

  • Violet Essence two fluid ounces 
  • Jasmine Essence one fluid ounce 
  • Tuberose Essence one fluid ounce 
  • Rose Spirit one fluid ounce 
  • Sandal Spirit half a fluid ounce 
  • Lavender Extract half a fluid ounce 
  • Patchouli Extract half a fluid ounce 
  • Musk Tincture one fluid ounce 
  • Vanilla Tincture half a fluid ounce 
  • Lemon Oil fifteen minims (drops)
  • Citronella Oil eight minims (drops)
This is an agreeable perfume but without any very special claims to favor.