Showing posts with label manicure set. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manicure set. Show all posts

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Lacquer for Toilet Silver

  • 1 pint Methylated spirits
  • 1 ounce Shellac

Put the shellac in a bottle and dissolve with the methylated spirits, cork the bottle tightly, and let it stand for 24 hours, then pour off the clear liquid.

Heat the metal slightly, and paint the solution over it with a camel's-hair brush. Any metal ornament may be lacquered in the same way.

A little of this solution may be added with good results to the powder ordinarily used to clean silverware.

How to Clean Ivory Handled Toilet Articles

Toilet articles and manicure implements which have ivory handles that may have become darkened, may be cleaned by rubbing the handles with half a lemon, which has been dipped in salt. After treating them thus, then wash in warm water, and wipe dry.