Source: The Toilet of Flora. c1779
Pour into a large vessel:
Pour into a large vessel:
- 5 quarts of strong Spirit of Wine, and infuse in it the following Flowers, as they come in season:
- 1/4 pound Violets
- 1/4 pound Hyacinths
- 1/4 pound Wall Flowers
- 2 ounces single Jonquils
- 2 ounces double Jonquils
- 1/4 pound of Lilies of the Valley
- 1/4 pound Spanish Jasmine
- 1/2 ounce of Rosemary Flowers
- 1 ounce of Elder Flowers
- 2 ounces of Wild Roses, bruised
- 2 ounces of Damask, bruised
- 2 ounces of White Roses, bruised;
- 3 ounces of Orange Flowers
- 1/4 pound of Clove-July-flowers,
- 1/4 pound Syringo Blossoms (seringa = mock orange blossom)
- 1/4 pound Tuberoses
- 1/4 pound Tops of Mint in Flower
- 30 drops of Quintessence of Musk-seed
The latter, however, need not be added till the time of distillation, which must not be till three days after the last Flowers have been in- fused. Perform the operation in a water bath, and having carefully luted the head and receiver, which mutt be placed in a tub of cold water, to preserve the scent, draw off about three quarts and a pint with a moderate fire, then change the receiver, fix on another, and draw off another pint, which, though of an inferior quality, is well worth preserving.

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