Friday, May 15, 2015

Sachet a la Marechale

  • 1/2 lb sandalwood powder
  • 1/2 lb orris root powder
  • 1/4 lb ground rose leaves
  • 1/4 lb ground cloves
  • 1/4 lb cassia bark
  • 1/2 drachm grain musk 

Poudre a la Mareschale

Oak moss in powder 2 lbs., plain starch powder 1 lb., cloves 1 oz., calamus 2 oz., cyperus 2 oz., rotten oak-wood powder 2 oz.; mix. - Gray.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Common Aromatic Vinegar

  • 1 ounce avoirdupoisof camphor
  • 1 drachm oil of cloves
  • 40 grains oil of cedrat
  • 40 grains lavender (Mitcham)
  • 20 grains oil of bergamot
  • 20 grains of thyme
  • 10 grains of oil of cinnamon
  • 1/2 pound glacial acetic acid
Mix. Very fine.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Various Civet Formulas

Extract of Civet is prepared by rubbing in a mortar one ounce of civet with an ounce of orris-root powder, or any other similar material that will assist to break up or divide the civet; and then placing the whole into a gallon of rectified spirits; after macerating for a month, it is fit to strain off.

It is principally used as a "fixing" ingredient, in mixing essences of delicate odor.

The French perfumers use the extract of civet more than English manufacturers, who seem to prefer extract of musk. From a quarter of a pint to half a pint is the utmost that ought to be mixed with a gallon of any other perfume.

Essence of Civet:


  • 1 ounce civet cut very small
  • 1 pint rectified spirit

Proceed as for essence of ambergris or musk. Its odor is only agreeable when faint and combined with that of other substances, which it sustains and increases. It is hence seldom or never used alone.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Precious Stones and their Meanings

Precious Stones.

SOME of the precious stones and gems have been given a distinct significance by imparting a special meaning or name to them. The ancients besides considered certain months sacred to the different stones, and some people have considered this in making birthday or wedding presents. Below will be found the stones regarded as sacred to the various months, with the meaning given to each.

  • January—Garnet—Constancy and Fidelity.
  • February—Amethyst—Sincerity.
  • March—Bloodstone—Courage.
  • April—Sapphire—Repentance.
  • May—Emerald—Success in love.
  • June—Agate—Health and long life.
  • July—Ruby—Forgetfulness of, and exemption from vexations caused by friendship and love.
  • August—Sardonyx—Conjugal Fidelity.
  • September—Chrysolite—Freedom from evil passions and sadness of mind.
  • October—Opal—Hope and Faith.
  • November—Topaz—Fidelity and Friendship.
  • December—Turquoise—Prosperity.

Of the precious stones not included in the above list, the language is given below:

  • Diamond—Innocence.
  • Pearl—Purity.
  • Cornelian—Contented mind.
  • Moonstone—Protects from danger.
  • Heliotrope—Causing the owner to walk invisible.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Violette du Bois Perfume

Violette du Bois #1:

Mix together:
  • 1 pint Extract of violet
  • 3 oz Extract of orris
  • 3 oz Extract of cassie
  • 3 oz Extract of rose
  • 3 drops Otto of almond

Violette du Bois #2:

Mix together:
  • 5 oz violet essence
  • 1 oz acacia essence
  • 1 oz rose essence
  • 1 oz orris root extract
  • 5 drops bitter almond oil

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Various Rondeletia Formulas

Essence of Rondeletia Perfume:

Mix together:
  • 1 gallon Spirits (brandy 60 percent.)
  • 2 oz otto of lavender
  • 1 oz.otto of cloves
  • 3 drams. otto of rose
  • 1 oz otto of bergamot
  • 1/4 pt extract of musk
  • 1/4 pt extract of vanilla
  • 1/4 pt extract of ambergris

 The mixture must be made at least a month before it is fit for use. Very excellent rondeletia may also be made with whiskey.

Essence of Rondeletia:

  • Essence of bergamot 1 dr
  • essence of lemon 1 dr
  • oil of cloves 1 dr
  • otto of roses 6 drops 
  • rectified spirit 1 pint

Extra Essence of Rondeletia; Extrait de Rondeletia:

Various formulae are current for this exquisite perfume, of which scarcely any produce an article approaching in excellence the proprietary one. The following is an exception: 

  • 3/4 ounce oil of lavender (Mitcham)
  • 5 drachms oil of cloves (finest)  
  • 4 drachms oil of bergamot
  • 1/2 drachm each of the finest essence of ambergris  
  • 1/2 drachm musk
  • 1 pint rectified spirit (strongest)
Agitate them together until completely united. Some persons add 1/2 drachm of neroli, or of oil of verbena (Indian lemon-grass), with or without 10 or 12 drops of otto of roses. Very fine.

Extrait de Rondelatia:

  • 1 pint extract of cassie
  • 1 pint extract of rose
  • 1/2 pint tincture of ambrette
  • 1/4 pint tincture of vanilla
  • 1/4 pint tincture of musk
  • 1 oz oil of English lavender
  • 1/2 oz oil of cloves
  • 1/2 oz oil of bergamot
  • 1/2 dram oil of rose
  • 12 oz rose water, double

French Extrait de Rondeletia Perfume:

  • 12 drachms avoirdupois oil of lavender (Mitcham)
  • 5 drachms oil of cloves
  • 4 drachms oil of bergamot
  • 1 drachm oil of verbena (or neroli)
  • 1/2 Imperial fluid drachm essence of ambergris 
  • 1/2 Imperial fluid drachmessence of musk 
  • 1 pint rectified spirit (90 per cent.)
Mix. A rich and highly esteemed perfume.

Bouquet de Rondeletia:

  • 2 ounces attar of lavender
  • 1 ounce attar of cloves
  • 1 ounce attar of bergamot 
  • 3 drachms attar of roses
  • 4 ounces tincture of musk
  • 4 ounces tincture of vanilla
  • 4 ounces tincture of  ambergris
  • 1 gallon deodorized alcohol 
After a month's repose, filter.

Rondeletia #2:
  • Clove Oil 1/4 dr 
  • Lavender Oil 3/4 dr
  • Rose Oil 3/4 dr
  • Zibethin Tincture 3/4 dr
  • Bergamot Oil 1 1/2 dr
  • Linalool Oil 1 1/2 dr
  • Sandal Oil 1 1/2 dr
  • Geranium Oil 1 1/2 dr
  • Musk Tincture 3 1/2 dr 
  • Vanillin Tincture 8 dr
  • Cumarin Tincture 1 1/4 oz 
  • Orris Tincture 2 oz
  • Jasmine 2 oz
  • Rose 4 1/2 oz
  • Orange Flower 5 oz

Rondeletia #3:

  • Tincture of orris 10 ounces 
  • Tincture of jasmine 10 ounces 
  • Tincture of musk 4 ounces 
  • Oil of lavender 1 dram 
  • Oil of bergamot 15 minims 
  • Oil of cioves 5 minims 
  • Oil of rose 40 minims 

Mix and filter if necessary 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Prince Albert's Eau de Cologne

  • 12 drops Oil of neroli
  • 12 drops Oil of citron
  • 12 drops Oil of bergamot
  • 12 drops Oil of orange
  • 12 drops Oil of rosemary
  • 1 drachm cardamom seeds
  • 1 pint spirits of wine

Let it stand for a week. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Granulated Cold Cream

 1 ounce white wax

  • 1 ounce spermaceti,
  • 3 oz almond oil
  • 3 oz otto of rose

Dissolve the wax and spermaceti in the almond oil, by means of heat, and when a little cool, pour the mixture into a large wedgwood mortar previously warmed, and containing about a pint of warm water. Stir briskly until the cream is well divided, add the otto, and suddenly pour the whole into a clean vessel containing 8 or 12 pints of cold water. Separate the cream by straining through muslin, and shake out as much water as possible.

Friday, April 3, 2015

To Loosen Stoppers of Toilet Bottles

Let a drop of pure oil flow round the stopper and let the bottle stand a foot or two from the fire. After a time tap the stopper smartly, but not too hard, with the handle of a hair brush. If this is not effectual, use a fresh drop of oil and repeat the process. It is almost sure to succeed.

Eau de Millefleurs

Eau de Millefleurs #1:

Mix together:
  • 1 pt Esprit de rose, triple
  • 1/2 pt esprit de rose
  • 1/2 pt esprit de tuberose
  • 1/2 pt esprit de jasmine
  • 1/2 pt esprit de orange flower
  • 1/2 pt esprit de cassia
  • 1/2 pt esprit de violet
  • 1/2 pt esprit de reseda (mignonette)
  • 2 oz esprit de vanilla
  • 2 oz esprit do ambergris
  • 2 oz esprit de musk
  • 10 drops otto of almonds
  • 10 drops otto of neroli
  • 10 drops otto of cloves
  • 1 oz otto of bergamot

These ingredients are to remain together for at least a fortnight, then filtered prior to use.

Eau de Millefleurs #2:
  • Acacia essence 500 grammes
  • Ambra essence 250 grammes
  • Cedar essence 250 grammes
  • Jasmin essence 50 grammes
  • Tuberose essence 250 grammes
  • Violet essence 500 grammes
  • Vanilla essence 500 grammes
  • Rose essence 300 grammes
  • Orange flowers essence 250 grammes
  • Esprit de roses triple 1000 grammes
  • Clove oil 2 grammes
  • Neroli oil 2 grammes
  • Rose oil 2 grammes
  • Bitter almond oil 5 grammes
  • Bergamot oil 40 grammes

Eau de Mille Fleurs #1:
  • 1 pint extract of cassie
  • 1 pint essence of rose
  • 1 pint extract of jasmine
  • 1 pint extract of neroli
  • 1 pint extract of patchouli
  • 1 pint extract of violet
  • 6 oz tincture of musk
  • 6 oz tincture of civet
  • 2 oz tincture of vanilla
  • 2 oz essence of vetiver
  • 3/4 oz oil of geranium
  • 3/4 oz oil of lavender
  • 1 dram Citral
  • 1 dram Musk xylene, 100%

Eau de Mille Fleurs #2:
  • 1 pint extract of cassie
  • 1 pint extract of jasmine
  • 1 pint extract of orange flower
  • 1 pint extract of rose
  • 1 pint extract of tuberose
  • 1 pint extract of violet
  • 1 quart essence of rose (simple)
  • 1/2 pint tincture of vanilla
  • 1/2 pint tincture ambergris
  • 1/2 pint essence of cedar
  • 1/2 pint tincture of musk
  • 1 1/4 oz oil of bergamot
  • 24 grains oil of bitter almond
  • 24 grains oil of clove
  • 24 grains oil of neroli

Eau de Mille Fleurs a Palmarose:
  • 6 oz extract of cassie
  • 3 oz essence of cedar
  • 3 oz tincture of musk
  • 6 oz extraft of violet
  • 1 1/2 oz oil of bergamot
  • 1 3/4 oil of cedar
  • 1/4 oz oil of lemon
  • 1/4 oz oil of lavender
  • 1/4 oz oil of clove
  • 1/2 oz oil of palmarosa
  • 9 pints alcohol

French Bouquet de Millefleurs Perfume


  • 1 pint extract of rose
  • 1/2 pint extracts of tuberose
  • 1/2 pint jasmin
  • 1/2 pint orange-flower
  • 1/2 pint cassia
  • 1/2 pint and violet
  • 4 ounces essence of cedar
  • 2 ounces tinctures of vanilla
  • 2 ounces tincture of ambergris
  • 2 ounces tincture of musk
  • 1/2 pint essence of rose
  • 1 ounce attar of bergamot
  • 10 drops attars of almonds
  • 10 drops attar of neroli
  • 10 drops attar of  cloves

Let the mixture stand for a week, and then filter.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Heliotrope for Perfuming Face Powder c1894

We repeat our to your query, that heliotrope as odor, is generally imparted to face powder from the various ingredients in preparing it. However, if you prepared your powder, we presume heliotrope odor may be given it by carefully working in a sufficient amount one of the following perfumes:

  • 1 1/2 drams Vanilla 
  • 10 drops Oil orange flower 
  • 5 drops Oil cherry laurel
  • 3/4 grains Musk 
  • 6 drams Benzoin 
  • 1 pint Alcohol 
  • 1 oz Extract orange flower 
  • 1 quart Extract white rose 
  • 1 oz Extract benzoin 
  • 1/2 pint Extract Vanilla 
  • 1 oz Extract civet 
  • 3 minims Oil bitter almonds 

Creme Celeste c1894

National Drug the following formula in a foreign journal:

  • 80 Parts White cerate 
  • 80 Parts Spermaceti 
  • 600 Parts Oil of sweet almond 
  • 120 Parts Glycerin 
  • 120 Parts Distilled water 
  • 5 Parts Borax 
  • 0.03 Parts Coumarin
  • 1 Part Attar of rose 
  • 0.50 Parts Oil of bergamot 
  • 0.50 Parts Essence of orange flower 
  • 0.30 Parts Attar of ylang ylang 
  • 0.10 Parts Attar of iris
  • 0.30 Parts Tincture of amber 

Mix. If desired, color with alkaline dissolved in a part of the oil of almonds. 

Skin Bleaches or Whiteners c1902

  • Lanolin 30 parts 
  • Bitter almond oil 10 parts 
  • Borax 1 part 
  • Glycerine 15 parts 
  • Hydrogen peroxide 15 parts 

Mix the lanolin and oil of almond, dissolve the borax in the glycerine and peroxide of hydrogen, and mix with the agitation. This preparation does by aid of the bleaching property peroxide.

For a muddy complexion, or a skin with blotched or dirty appearance, the following is commende:

  • White mercurial oint 5 parts 
  • White zinc ointment 5 parts 
  • Lanolin 30 parts 
  • Bitter almond oil 10 parts. 

Mix thoroughly then make the following solution

  • Borax 2 parts 
  • Glycerine 30 parts 

add ten parts of rose water and for 3 ounces of the preparation 5 drops concentrated nitric acid, and quickly it into first mixture. Any perfume be used with the preparation. Stir essential oils in the lanolin mixture.  

Petrolatum Cold Cream c1902

  • Petrolatum white 7 ozs 
  • Paraffin oz Lanolin 2 ozs 
  • Water 3 ozs 
  • Rose oil 3 drops 
  • Alcohol 1 dram 

A small quantity of borax may be if desirable and the perfume may varied to suit the taste of the and his customers. 

Lady Palmerston's Bouquet

  • 2 drams Oil of rose
  • 7 oz Extrait violet 
  • 7  1/2 oz Extrait jasmine 
  • 7  1/2 oz Extrait cassia
  • 4 1/2 drams Oil of bergamot 
  • 1010 ml Oil of cassia
  • 1010 ml Oil of sandalwood  
  • 1016 ml Oil of clove
  • 15 grams Ambergris 
  • 13 grams Musk 
  • 8 grams white sugar
  • 1012 ml Peru Balsam
  • 11 Imperial ounces Rectified Spirits 

Macerate fourteen days and filter.

Oxford and Cambridge Bouquet Perfume

  • 11 minims Oil of lemon 
  • 1 dram Oil of bergamot 
  • 1 oz Tincture of storax 
  • 3 oz Essence of musk 
  • 3 oz Essence of patchouli 
  • 4 oz Spirit of geranium 
  • 5 oz Essence of vanilla 
  • 5 oz Spirit of santal 
  • 10 oz Spirit of rose  
  • 10 oz Cassie extrait  
  • 10 oz Jasmine extrait  
  • 10 oz Rose extrait 
  • 10 oz Tuberose extrait 
  • 1 Imperial pint Violet extrait  


Royal Osbourne Bouquet c1855 and Osborne Bouquet by Rimmel c1856

Royal Osbourne Bouquet c1855

  • 1/2 pint Extract of orris 
  • 1/4 pint Extract of vetiver 
  • 1 pint Extract of sandalwood 
  • 1/2 pint Extract of rose 

Osborne Bouquet by Rimmel c1856
  • 1 minim Otto of rose 
  • 1 oz Essence of musk
  • 2 oz Essence of ambergris 
  • 3 oz Spirit of vetiver
  • 5 oz Spirit of sandalwood 
  • 7 oz Jasmine extrait 
  • 10 oz Tincture of orris
  • 10 oz Violet extrait  
  • 15 oz Cassie extrait


Osborne Bouquet 
  • Otto of rose 
  • Essence of musk 
  • Essence of ambergris 
  • Spirit of vetivert 
  • Spirit of santal 
  • Jasmine extrait 
  • Tincture of orris 
  • Violet extrait 
  • Cassie extrait

Friday, August 15, 2014

Various Solid Perfume Formulas

 Frozen or Solid Perfumes with Parafinne

The solid perfumes simply consist of hard paraffine which when melted is perfumed with a corresponding quantity of any desired perfume essence and poured into moulds A few mixtures for such perfumes are here given:

In the first place, the solid perfume is merely perfumed hard paraffine. The hard paraffine is melted and perfumed at as low a temperature as possible, and for a mould, use the lids of 2 dram chip boxes.

White Rose Solid Perfume:

  • 1/2 drm oil of geranium
  • 1/2 drm oil of bergamot
  • 5 minims of patchouli
From 1 to 5 drops to each block may be used, according to the moderation or extravagance of the manufacturer.

White rose solid perfume:
  • 10 drams rose geranium oil
  • 10 drams bergamot oil
  • 1/2 dram patchouli oil
  • 1/2 dram oil of cloves

Lavender Solid Perfume:

  • 2 oz oil of lavender
  • 1 oz essence of bergamot
  • 5 minims oil of cassia
  • 40 minims oil of geranium
  • 5 minims oil of orange
Mix and perfume the wax as before. 

Bouquet Solid Perfume:

  • 18 minims oil of coriander
  • 2 drams oil of cloves
  • 1 dram oil of nutmeg
  • 3 drams oil of lavender 
  • 1 dram oil of sandalwood
  • 1 oz oil of bergamot
  • 1/2 dram otto of rose
  • 1/2 dram oil of geranium
  • 10 minims oil of orange
Mix and perfume the wax as before.

Cologne Solid Perfume:

  • 1 oz essence of bergamot
  • 1 oz essence of lemon
  • 1/2 oz oil of citronella
  • 1/2 oz oil of neroli
  • 80 minims of rosemary
  • 10 minims oil of geranium

Ess bouquet solid perfume:
  • 1 dram coriander oil 
  • 7 dram oil of cloves
  • 3.5 dram nutmeg oil 
  • 10 drams lavender oil 
  • 3.5 dram sandal wood oil 
  • 30 drams bergamot oil 
  • 2 drams rose oil 
  • 2 drams rose geranium oil 
  • 0.6 dram neroli oil 

Paints or Rouges for the Skin

Paints or rouges are the means by which the natural color of the skin may be heightened or changed. They are, however, objectionable preparations, and the use of them extends very little beyond the theatres, where they are employed to produce stage effect.

Caution against Bismuth as a Cosmetic. The continued use of bismuth-white injures the skin, and ultimately produces paralysis of its minute vessels, rendering it yellow and leather- like - an effect which, unfortunately, those who employ it generally attempt to conceal by its freer and more frequent application.

French White. This is the mineral talc, or French chalk, finely powdered and bolted. It forms the basis of the most harmless rouges. Perfume is added as may be desired.

Pearl White. Pure oxide or subnitrate of bismuth in powder. This pigment darkens in atmospheres containing sulphide of hydrogen. 1 ounce triturated with 4 ounces of orange-flower water makes liquid white for theatrical use.

Pearl Powder. Precipitated chalk finely bolted and perfumed. The French add oxides of zinc and bismuth, each 1 ounce to the pound of chalk.

Liquid Blanc for Theatrical Use:

The use of a white paint by actresses and dancers, is absolutely necessary; great exertion produces a florid complexion, which is incompatible with certain scenic effects, and requires a cosmetic to
subdue it.

Madame V----, during her stage career, has probably consumed more than
half a hundredweight of oxide of bismuth, prepared thus:--

  • Rose or orange-flower water, 1 pint.
  • Oxide of bismuth, 4 oz.

Mixed by long trituration.

Perle Face Powder:

  • French chalk, 1 lb.
  • Oxide of bismuth, 1 oz.
  • Oxide of zinc, 1 oz.

Rose Face Powder:

  • Wheat starch, 7 lbs.
  • Rose Pink, 1/2 drachm.
  • Otto of rose, 2 drachms.
  • Otto of santal, 2 drachms

Bloom Rose:

This is a preparation of carmine for the face and lips. Take a quarter of a dram of carmine and place it in a phial with half a dram of liquid ammonia; keep for a few days, occasionally shaking the mixture; then dilute with two ounces of rose-water, to which half a dram of essence of roses has been added. Draw off and keep a week or ten days, then apply with the corner of a soft handkerchief, taking care that if the color is too bright it is reduced by means of pure water.

Liquid Rouge:

Harmless—a perfect imitation of nature. For ladies who wish to use a little artificial bloom the following is recommended. A liquid rouge to produce a perfect imitation of the colors of nature is prepared as follows: Add to a pint of French brandy, half an ounce of benzoin, an ounce of red sandalwood, half an ounce of Brazil wood and the same quantity of rock alum. Cork the bottle carefully, shake it well once a day, and at the end of twelve days it will be fit for use. The cheeks are to be lightly touched with it.

Colored Collodion for the Skin:

  • 1 ounce collodion
  • 3 grains each pure annotto 
  • 3 grains dragon's blood
Digest, with agitation, in a stoppered phial, for 24 hours; and, if necessary, decant the clear portion.

Enamel Powder, to make the skin look like Porcelain:

Take equal parts finely scraped talc or French chalk, and pearl-white; sufficient rouge or carmine to slightly tinge it; mix. Used to conceal discolorations; and, without the coloring, to whiten the skin.

Azure Paste:

Talc and ultramarine, finely bolted, equal parts, triturated with a solution of gum tragacanth into a stiff paste

Carmine Rouge:

  • 4 ounces finely bolted talc
  •  2 drachms carmine
Mix together with a little warm and dilute solution of gum tragacanth. For lighter shades, the proportion of carmine must be diminished. For commoner pastes, rose-pink replaces the carmine as coloring matter. It may be made into a pomade.