Thursday, August 14, 2014

Various Ylang Ylang Formulas

Ylang Ylang # 1.

  •  Ylang ylang oil 10 ml
  •  Otto rose 2 ml 
  • Neroli oil 10 ml 
  • Musk essence 1/2 oz 
  • Jasmine extrait 2 ozs 
  • Orange flower water 2 drs 

Ylang Ylang #2.

  • Neroli oil 6 ml 
  • Lemon oil 6 ml 
  • Rose oil 15 ml 
  • Ylang ylang oil 50 ml 
  • Musk essence dr 
  • Spirit 2 pts 

Ylang Ylang #3.

  • Niobe Oil 1/16 dr
  • Musk 1/16 dr
  • Benzaldehyde 1/16 dr
  • Cananga Oil 3/16 dr
  • Linalyl Acetate 1 1/4 dr
  • Terpineol 1 1/2 dr
  • Ylang Ylang Oil 1 5/8 dr
  • Benzoin Tincture 2 1/2 dr
  • Cassie 9 dr
  • Jonquil 3 oz
  • Orris Tincture 3 1/2 oz
  • Tuberose 3 1/2 oz
  • Jasmine 5 oz

Various Cherry Blossom Formulas

Cherry Blossom #1.
  • White heliotrope essence 6 ozs 
  • Vanilla essence 1 dr 

Cherry Blossom #2.
  • Peach blossom essence 12 ozs 
  • Violet extrait 2 ozs 
  • Mirbane essence 2 ozs 

Cherry Blossom Extract #3:
  • Extract jasmine 3 pts 
  • Extract tuberose 1 1/2 pts 
  • Extract cassia i8ozs 
  • Extract rose 1 2 ozs 
  • Essence rose 12 ozs 
  • Tincture coumarin 6 ozs 
  • Tincture civet 6 ozs 
  • Oil bergamot 1 oz 
  • Oil rose geranium 1 oz 
  • Oil neroli 1 dr 
  • Oil rose synthetic 1 dr 
  • Oil cardamon 1 dr 

Cherry Blossom Extract #4:
  • Ambepine 3 to 10 drops 
  • Anethol 1 drop 
  • Oil bitter almonds 15 drops 
  • Oil fennel 15 drops 
  • Oil bergamot 15 drops 
  • Oil neroli 75 drops 
  • Acetic ether 45 drops 
  • Vanillin 30 grs 
  • Coumarin 5 grs 
  • Tincture musk 6 drs 
  • Tincture Siam benzoin 2 1/2 ozs 
  • Tincture stronger orris 8 ozs 
  • Essence rose (3d washing) 15 ozs 
  • Alcohol 4 ozs 

Cherry Blossom #5:
  • White heliotrope essence 6 ozs 
  • Vanilla essence 1 dr 

Cherry Blossom #6:
  • Peach blossom essence 12 ozs 
  • Violet extract 2 ozs 
  • Mirbane essence 2 ozs 

Cherry Blossom Perfume #7:
  • Essence of peach blossom 840 
  • Essence of violet 140 
  • Essence of bitter almonds (1 to 9) 20 

Various Night Blooming Cereus Formulas

Night Blooming Cereus #1:
  • Civet essence 2 ozs 
  • Tonka bean tincture 2 ozs 
  • Benzoin tincture 4 ozs 
  • Rose spirit 4 ozs 
  • Jasmine extrait 4 ozs 

Extract of Night Blooming Cereus
  • 1 pint extract of tuberose
  • 1 pint extract of rose
  • 1/2 pint  extract of violet
  • 1/2 pint extract of jasmine
  • 1/4 pint tincture of vanilla
  • 2 oz tincture of benzoin
  • 2 oz tincture of musk
  • 1 dram oil of nutmeg
  • 1 dram oil of santal
  • 1 dram oil of neroli
  • 1/2 dram oil of almonds
  • 8 oz orange flower water

Extract Night Blooming Cereus #2:
  • 8 parts Triple Extract Rose 
  • 2 parts Triple Extract Orange Flower 
  • 2 parts Essence Neroli  
  • 2 parts  Extract Vanilla 
  • 3 parts Extract Orris  
  • 1 Part  Extract Musk 
  • 1 Part  Extract Civet 
  • 1/10 Part Essence Almond 
  • 1/20 part Tincture Benzoin 
Mix. Taken from Fenner's Complete Formulary, 1888.

Night Blooming Cereus #3:

  • Tincture of tuberose 10 ounces 
  • Tincture of rose 6 ounces 
  • Tincture of jasmine 3 ounces 
  • Tincture of violet 3 ounces 
  • Tincture of vanillin 1 1/2 ounces 
  • Tincture of coumarin 1 1/2 ounces 
  • Tincture of musc baur (synthetic musk) 1 ounce 
  • Oil of neroli Portugal 30 minims 

Mix and filter if necessary. 

Saratoga Nosegay Perfume

 A refreshing perfume for the handkerchief resembling but excelling Mona bouquet.

  • Musk essence 4 ozs 
  • Bergamot oil 1-1/2 drs 
  • Jasmin extract 2 ozs 
  • English lavender oil 1-1/2 dr 
  • Neroli oil 4 dr 
  • Patchouli oil 5 ml 
  • Pimenta oil 5 ml 
  • Rose oil 1-1/2 drs 
  • Verbena oil 8 ml 
  • Cassia oil 5 ml 
  • Alcohol to 4 pts 

Macerate one month then filter three times. 

Victoria Regia Perfume

  • 20 oz Extract of tuberose  
  • 16 oz Extract of jasmine 
  • 4 oz Extract of neroli 
  • 4 oz Extract of rose 
  • 4 oz Extract of acacia flowers
  • 3 oz vanilla 
  • 1 oz Essence of civet 
  • 1 oz Oil of bergamot  
  • 5 drops bitter almonds 

Alpine Rose Perfume

  • 16 oz Essence Bouquet
  • 12 oz Triple extract of rose 
  • 12 oz Extract of jasmin 
  • 12 oz Extract of reseda
  • 4 oz Essence of ambergris  
  • 2 oz Essence of civet 

HMS Pinafore Bouquet Perfume

  • 16 oz Triple extract of rose 
  • 12 oz Extract of violets 
  • 8 oz Extract of neroli 
  • 1 oz Extract of musk 
  • 1/4 oz Oil of bergamot 
  • 1/8 oz Oil of citron 
  • 40 drops Oil of cardamom 
  • 20 drops Oil of melissa
  • 20 drops Oil of coriander 
  • 10 drops Oil of thyme 

Pinafore Bouquet 
  • Oil of coriander 
  • Oil of thyme 
  • Oil of melissa 
  • Oil of cardamoms 
  • Oil of citron 
  • Oil of bergamot 
  • Essence of musk 
  • Spirit of neroli 
  • Violet extrait 
  • Spirit of rose

Flowers of Love Perfume

  • 16 oz Triple extract of rose 
  • 14 oz Extract of jasmine 
  • 12 oz Extract of acacia flowers 
  • 4 oz Extract of orange flowers 
  • 4 oz Extract of tuberose 
  • 4 oz Extract of hyacinth 
  • 2 oz Extract of jonquil 
  • 2 oz Extract of vanilla 
  • 1-1/2 oz Essence of ambergris  

Rose of the East Perfume

  • 16 oz Triple extract of rose 
  • 12 oz Extract of moss rose 
  • 1/8 oz Oil of sandalwood
  • 1/8 oz Oil of rose geranium 
  • 1/16 oz Oil of ylang ylang 

Florilene Bouquet Perfume

  • 16 oz Triple extract of rose 
  • 8 oz Extract of tuberose 
  • 8 oz Extract of violets
  • 4 oz Extract of heliotrope  
  • 4 oz Extract of orange flowers 
  • 3 oz Extract of verbena
  • 2 oz Extract of musk 
  • 2 oz Essence of ambergris 
  • 1 oz Essence of bergamot  

Modjeska Bouquet Perfume

  • 16 oz Extract of jonquil 
  • 16 oz Extract of reseda 
  • 16 oz Extract of  tuberose 
  • 12 oz Extract of cassia flowers 
  • 12 oz Extract of violets 
  • 2 oz Essence of musk 
  • 1/2 oz Oil of bergamot 
  • 1/2 oz Oil of ylang ylang
  • 1/4 oz otto of rose 
  • 1/4 oz otto of lavender

Friday, July 25, 2014

Riviera Gem Perfume

  • Triple extract de mousseline 30 ozs 
  • Extract of orange flowers 15 ozs 
  • Extract of tuberose 15 ozs 
  • Extract of rose 15 ozs 
  • Extract of cassie 15 ozs 
  • Extract of jasmin 15 ozs 
  • Essence bouquet 15 ozs 
  • Tincture of ambergris 4 ozs 
  • Tincture of musk 4 ozs 

Mix together.

Harvest Queen Perfume

  • Extract of rose 24 ozs 
  • Spirits of coumarin (1/19) 24 ozs 
  • Extract of orange flowers 16 ozs 
  • Spirits of Spanish geranium 16 ozs 
  • Extract of jasmin 16 ozs 
  • Espr de rose triple 4 ozs 
  • Spirit of heliotropin (1/24) 4 ozs 
  • Spirits of vanillin (1/9) 4 ozs 
  • Tincture of musk 4 ozs 
  • Tincture of civet 4 ozs 

Mix together.

Harvest Queen was a name used by Lundborg's for one of their perfumes.

Eden Flowers Perfume

  • Extract of orange flowers 40 ozs 
  • Extract of cassie 20 ozs 
  • Extract of tuberose 20 ozs 
  • Extract of jasmin 20 ozs 
  • Espr de rose triple 10 ozs 
  • Spirits of Spanish geranium 10 ozs 
  • Tincture of ambergris 4 ozs 
  • Tincture of musk 4 ozs

Mix together.

Flowers of Eden Perfume
  • 16 oz Triple extract of night blooming cereus 
  • 14 oz Triple extract of lily of the valley 
  • 12 oz Triple extract of spring flowers 
  • 12 oz Triple extract of ylang ylang 
  • 12 oz Eau de millefleurs 
  • 2 oz Essence of musk 

May Queen Perfume

  • Extract of rose 28 ozs 
  • Extract of jasmin 28 ozs 
  • Extract of orange flowers 14 ozs 
  • Extract of cassie 14 zs 
  • Extract of tuberose 14 ozs 
  • Extract of jonquil 7 ozs 
  • Spirits of vanillin (1/15) 7 ozs 
  • Spirits of heliotropin (1/15) 7 ozs 
  • Oil of bergamot 3 ozs 
  • Tincture of ambergris 3 ozs 
  • Tincture of musk 3 ozs 

Mix together.

This was a popular fragrance made by the American perfumer Seeley's.

Fragrania Perfume

  • Extract of jasmin 48 ozs 
  • Extract of rose 24 ozs 
  • Extract of orange flowers 12 ozs 
  • Extract of violet 12 ozs 
  • Spirits of heliotropin (1/19) 12 ozs 
  • Spirits of eilacin ambre (1/19) 12 ozs 
  • Tincture of ambergris 4 ozs 
  • Tincture of musk 4 ozs 

Mix together.

This was a popular, fragrant perfume from Italy, I did find a reference to it in a newspaper article in 1879.

May Pink Perfume

  • Extract of rose 24 ozs 
  • Espr spirits de rose triple 24 ozs 
  • Exiract of orange flowers 24 ozs 
  • Extract of cassie 12 ozs 
  • Spirits of cloves (1/9) 12 ozs 
  • Tincture of vanilla pure 8 ozs 
  • Spirits of ylang yalng (1/30) 4 ozs 
  • Tincture of ambergris 4 ozs 
  • Tincture of musk 4 ozs 
Mix together.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bouquet d'Alhambra

Bouquet de'Alhambra
  • 0.5 liter of acacia essence
  • 0.5 liter of Nerola essence
  • 1 liter of rose-geranium essence
  • 2 liter of tuberose essence
  • 0.5 liter of civet essence

Bouquet d'Alhambra #1:
  • 2 pints Extract of tuberose
  • 1/2 pint Extract of cassie
  • 1/2 pint Extract of orange flower
  • 1/2 pint Tincture of civet 
  • 1 dram Oil of rose geranium 
  • 1/2 pint Rose water triple 

A very pleasant perfume.

Bouquet de L'Alhambra #2:
  • 1 pint extract of rose
  • 1 pint extract of orange flower
  • 1 dram musk ambreine, 10%
  • 2 oz extract of tuberose
  • 4 oz tincture of civet
  • 1 oz resinarome orris

Bouquet de L'Alhambra #3:
  • Extract of cassie 1 pint 
  • Extract of orange flower 1 pint 
  • Essence of geranium 1 qt 
  • Extract of tuberose 2 qts 
  • Tincture of civet 1 pint 

Bouquet d'Aspasia Perfume

  • 1 pint Extract of violet  
  • 1 pint Extract of rose 
  • 1/2 pint Extract of jasmine 
  • 1/2 pint Tincture of vanilla 
  • 1/4 pint Tincture of musk 
  • 3 drams Oil of bergamot 
  • 1 dram Oil of cloves 
  • 3/4 pint orange flower water 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Various Eau de Cologne Recipes c1900

All recipes taken from: American Journal Soap and Manufacturing Chemist, c1900. Most of them are earlier formulas that the journal culled from old books.

Superior Eau de Cologne c1900
  • 3,000 ozs Spirit 
  • 10 oz Neroli oil bigarade 
  • 5 oz Rosemary oil  
  • 15 oz Lemon oil 
  • 5 oz Bergamot oil  
  • 15 oz Pomegranate skin oil 

Princes Eau de Cologne 
  • 3,000 ozs Spirit 
  • 3 oz Rosemary oil 
  • 10 oz Mitcham lavender oil 
  • 50 oz Bergamot oil
  • 50 oz Lemon oil
  • 10 oz Bigarade neroli oil

Eau de Cologne #1. 
  • 3,000 ozs Spirit 
  • 6 oz Petit-grain oil 
  • 2 oz Bigarade neroli oil
  • 2 oz Lavender oil
  • 5 oz Rosemary oil
  • 12 oz Bergamot oil
  • 12 oz Lemon oil
  • 2 oz Geranium oil

Eau de Cologne #2.
  • Spirit 3,000 ozs 
  • 30 oz Bergamot oil  
  • 30 oz Lemon oil 
  •  2 oz Lavender oil
  • 10 oz Petit grain oil 
  • 5 oz White Thyme oil 
  • 2 1/2 oz Bigarade Neroli oil 

Eau de Cologne with Artificial Perfumes 
  • 3,000 oz Spirit 
  • 15 oz Mitcham Lavender oil 
  • 12 oz Schimmel's Neroli 
  • 22 oz Heine's Orange Blossom 
  • 5 oz Geranium oil 
  • 30 oz Lemon oil 
  • 15 oz Bergamot oil 

Blumen Eau 
  • 3,000 oz Basis Spirit
  • 40 oz Bergamot oil 
  • 30 oz Lemon oil 
  • 10 oz Schimmel's Neroli 
  • 5 oz Lavender oil 
  • 2 oz Petit grain oil
  • 5 oz White thyme oil 

To every 1,000 ozs of this add the ingredients the several varieties, A - F inclusive as below:

A. Rose Water 
  • Rosewood oil 10 oz 
  • Rose geranium oil 10 oz 
  • Heine's Pose blossom 2 oz 

B. Elder flower 
  • Terpinoel 25 ozs 
  • Schimmel's Jasmine 8 oz 

C. Lily of the Valley 
  • Linaloe oil 20 ozs 
  • Schimmel's Jasmine 8 oz 
  • Lily Blossom oil Heiko to 1 oz 

D. Mignonette 
  • Schimmel's Mignonette Geranium 10 oz 
  • Mignonette oil, Heiko 2 oz 

E. Vinegar especially for southern climates export 
  • Acetic acid 30 oz 
  • Acetic ether 20 oz 
  • Water 100 oz 

F. Ice Water Menthol 

  • 20 ozs or according to requirements.

A cheap form of Eau de Cologne may be made the following recipe:

After standing a month it be mixed with china clay and white of egg and filtered
  • 90 per cent spirit 1,000 ozs 
  • Bergamot oil 6 oz 
  • Lemon oil 15 oz 
  • Rosemary oil 1 oz 
  • Lavender oil 2 1/2 oz 
  • Water 1,000 oz 

Eau de Cologne (La Deuxieme Qualite)
  • 6 gallons Spirit (from corn)
  • 2 oz Otto of orange peel
  • 2 oz Otto of lemon peel
  • 2 oz Otto of neroli, Petitgain
  • 2 oz Otto of neroli, Petale
  • 2 oz Otto of rosemary
  • 2 oz Otto of bergamot peel
Mix with agitation; then allow it to stand for a few days perfectly quiet, before bottling.

A great many forms for the manufacture of Eau de Cologne have been published, the authors of some of the recipes evidently having no knowledge, in a practical sense, of what they were putting by theory on paper; other venturers, to show their lore, have searched out all the aromatics of Lindley's Botany, and would persuade us to use absinthe, hyssop, anise, juniper, marjoram, caraway, fennel, cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, serpolet, angelica, cloves, lavender, camphor, balm, peppermint, galanga, lemon thyme,etc

Durokereau's Eau de Cologne
To 7 quarts French tasteless alcohol, add:

  • 11 drachms essence of Portugal
  • 13 drachms essence of bergamot
  • 1 ounce essence of lemon
  • 10 drachms essence of neroli
  • 1 ounce essence of rosemary
  • 1 ounce essence of lavender
  • 14 drachms rose water
  • 13 drachms jasmin water
  • 15 drachms orange-flower water

Mix the whole together, let it stand 24 hours, and distill over a water-bath.

Piesse's Best Quality Cologne
Mix with agitation:

  • 3 ounces attar of neroli petals;
  • 1 ounce attar of neroli bigarade
  • 2 ounces attar of rosemary
  • 5 ounces attar of orange zest
  • 5 ounces attar of citron zest
  • 2 ounces attar of bergamot
  •  6 gallons 95 per cent, grape spirit

Let it stand perfectly quiet for a few days. Although very fine eau de Cologne is often made by merely mixing the ingredients, it is better first to mix all the citrine attars with spirit, then distill the mixture, and afterwards add the rosemary and nerolies. This method is adopted by the most popular house in Cologne.

Goufife's Eau de Cologne
  • 1/2 ounce each essence of lemon
  • 1/2 ounce each essence of  bergamot
  • 1/2 ounce each essence of and citron
  • 4 ounce essence of rosemary
  • 1/8 ounce essence of neroli

 Infuse for 8 days in 1 quart 95 per cent, alcohol. Filter, and bottle for use.

Cologne Essence

Oil of bergamot 2 drs., essence of lemon 1/2 dr., essence of cedrat 1/2 dr., true oil of rosemary 15 drops, rectified spirit (or spirit of balm) 1 1/2 oz.

Essence of Cologne; Cologne-Essence ; Concentrated Eau de Cologne. 

This is prepared from the same odorous ingredients as " Eau de Cologne," but taking 7 or 8 times the quantity, and using alcohol or the strongest rectified spirit, without which a permanent solution of the whole of them cannot be formed. Used as a condensed and convenient substitute for ordinary "Eau de Cologne " by travelers, being less bulky. It is also kept in stock by druggists and perfumers, to enable them to prepare that article extemporaneously, by simply diluting it with 8 times its bulk of spirit of the appropriate strength.

Ordinary Cologne
Take 10 qts alcohol at 85° and mix with the following:
  • 2 oz essence of lemon
  • 10 drams essence of rosemary
  • 5 drams essence of lavender
  • 1 1/4 drams essence of neroli
  • 1 1/4 drams tincture of benzoin
  • 1/2 dram essence of thyme
  • 1/2 dram essence of clove
  • 1/4 dram essence of peppermint
  • 2 lbs. rosewater

Cologne Water: 
  • Oil Neroli 2 drachms 
  • Oil Orange peel 1/2 ounce
  • Oil Citron 1 drachm
  • Oil Bergamot  2 drachms 
  • Oil Lavendar 1/2 drachm 
  • Oil Rosemary 1/2 drachm 
  • Oil Cinnamon 1 scruple 
  • Cardamoms powdered 2 drachms 
  • Balsam of Peru 2 drachms 
  • Rectified spirits 7 pounds 
Macerate 10 days then distil 6 pounds with a gentle heat.